
Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy

Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy also known as 

Poltava State Medical University

 – the leading public institution of higher education for the training of doctors , including dentists. The Academy started its operations in 1921 with odontology faculty of Kharkiv Medical Academy. In 1967, the Institute moved to the Poltava city and renamed as the Poltava Medical Dental Institute . In 1994 Poltava Medical Dental Institute received the highest level of accreditation IV and status of Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy. In 2004, the IV accreditation level was confirmed.




Nowadays  in Poltava State Medical University there are 15 thousand students, including 729 – foreigners from 37 countries .

Faculties: dental , medical faculties, faculty training foreign citizens and the Faculty of Postgraduate Education , Department of Pre-University podgotovki.UMSA established college that prepares undergraduate and junior specialists.

There are 56 departments in the structure of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, nine of them – support. Medical- advisory work carried out on the 35 clinical departments of the Academy , located in the best of regional and urban medical centers of Poltava.

Types of educational levels :

  • – Junior Specialist ;
  • – Bachelor ;
  • – A specialist
  • Masters
  • Mphil, 
  • Phd


The list of departments:

  • – Dental ;
  • – Medical.

The Academy trains specialists in the following specialties:

1. Dentistry (7.110106, training period of 5 years)

2. General Medicine (7.110101, period of training 6 years)

3. Pediatrics (7.110104, period of training 6 years)

4. Nursing (5.110102), the period of study 2, on the basis of secondary education

5. Prosthetic dentistry (5.110109), the period of study 2, on the basis of secondary education

6. Pharmacy (5.110201)

Material and technical base: 4 dormitories for 2100 seats, a library, reading rooms, a sports complex, a health camp, amateur clubs.

The introduction of distance learning training process in Poltava Medical Dental Academy plays an important role and enables continuous development, providing equal rights to raise professional qualifications , regardless of where they live , dynamic learning process and create information flow high intensity for a large audience. Distance education and training of dentists in the departments of the Academy made the following ways:

– Distance of thematic lectures in courses or pre-certification courses on topical issues of dentistry;

– Workshops with in-depth study before reading the lecture material;

– Workshops on methods of clinical diagnosis, differential diagnosis , treatment , and individual telemedicine consultations ;

– Video conferencing, workshops

The scientific potential:

 82 doctors

 316 PhDs

 75 professors

 171 associate professors

 2 Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine

 8 Honoured Scientists of Ukraine

 6 Honoured Doctors of Ukraine.

From 1999 to 2009 have been published 710 teaching aids of various scientific subjects. Over the last year received 106 patents of Ukraine and Russia.

There are seven academic schools:

Operative surgery and topographic anatomy

 Normal physiology

 Oral surgery

 Biological chemistry



Clinical and experimental pharmacology.

Ukraine participates in international programs in the field of higher education. In 1992 the faculty started to work with foreign students. Now at the academy studying 938 foreigners from 42 countries of the world ( Palestine, Iraq , Iran , Syria, Morocco , Algeria, Jordan, Pakistan , Libya, Russia , Turkmenistan, and others). All international students in Poltava State Medical University are guaranteed and provided with all the rights and freedoms contained the current legislation of Ukraine. Training of foreign nationals held in accordance with the curriculum and programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Foreign students are taught on an equal footing withUkrainian students – enjoy classrooms , a library and reading rooms , sports facilities , it also highlights areas for cultural and religious activities. Foreign students in Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy-UMSA are taught by teachers with special training and experience in working with foreign nationals in the early stages of their training. After graduation students get a diplomas of international standard.

In 1997 Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy –UMSA created the preparatory department for foreign citizens. Students of the Preparatory Department are studying Russian language, mathematics, physics , chemistry , biology , computer science, geography. The work of this department is aimed at adapting foreign nationals to live and train in Ukraine and familiarity with the culture and traditions of theUkrainian people. Also become popular the post- graduate training academy in clinical internship and graduate school . Today on different departments in the clinical residency improve their skills 42 foreigners – graduates from dental and medical faculties. Many foreigners continue their education in graduate school of Poltava State Medical University known as Ukrainian medical Dental Academy-UMDA.

For details for tution and accommodation visit the following link: 

Admission Dates

Standard Admission:

30 of October – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

15 of November – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Late Admission:

30 of January – application deadline (request an Invitation to study).

25 of February – arrival deadline (the final date you must arrive at the University).

Admission in Preparatory Course:

There are no application deadlines (request an Invitation to study).

But you have to arrive at the University during the 6 months after you have gotten an Invitation.

Admission Process

First stage (before arrival):

1. Request the University for an Invitation to study in Ukraine.

2. Collect all required documents for getting Student Visa for Ukraine.

3. Notify the University about your arrival date and time. It is a must requirement! In case you don’t do that, the University will not be able to send a Confirmation letter to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. As a result, you will be you will be banned from entering the country and you will be sent back home right from theUkrainian airport.

Second stage (after arrival):

  1.  Bring the required  documents to the University..
  2.  Make a payment for the study and hostel.
  3.  Medical examination.
  4.  Open a bank account.
  5.  Temporary residence permit for students in Ukraine.
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