Bukovinian State Medical University
Bukovinian State Medical University
City Chernivtsi
Accreditation level IV
Qualification level: Junior Specialist, Bachelor, Specialist, Master
4374 students
675 foreign students from 32 countries
Postgraduate studing on 55 specialties at internship and mastership
Acknowledgement of the University diploma by WHO, GMC, USMLE, MCI, IMED, ECFMG and other institutions and organizations
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Fourth Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Postgraduate education
Pharmacy Faculty
College of Bukovinian State medical University
Bukovinian State Medical University – one of the largest universities in Chernivtsi, which recently celebrated its 65th anniversary. It is a modern multidisciplinary education institution, IV level of accreditation and included in the general register of the World Health Organization, that provides professional training for phased system of education.
The University trains specialists on qualification level of junior specialist , bachelor , specialist, master in the faculties ” Medicine ” and “Pharmacy” in 16 specialties, among which are:
Discipline “Medicine” : Medicine ( Specialist and Master ), Pediatrics ( specialist degree ) Dentistry ( specialist degree ), Medical Psychology (Specialist ), Nursing (junior specialist, bachelor, master ) Laboratory Diagnostics ( Bachelor) ;
Discipline “Pharmacy” : Pharmacy (junior specialist , bachelor, specialist ), Clinical Pharmacy ( expert, master ).
Training of foreign students is carried out in English andUkrainian languages. University training foreign nationals in residency training (30 people), graduate school (20 people) and entering higher education (120 people).
Today, at university studying 4374 students , 675 of them – citizens , foreigners from 32 countries. Training of foreign citizens is carried out since 1994 , and since 2004 teaching of foreign students is in English. Number of foreign students from India , Somalia, Nigeria, Ghana , Pakistan , Ethiopia, Sudan , Saudi Arabia , Bulgaria, the U.S. and other countries who studying in Bukovinian State Medical University is increasing from year to year.
Now here studying 533 students from Asian countries, 237 students from the Middle East and Africa, 188 students from Latin America. The faculty had already trained 1012 general practitioners, 64 residents and 15 candidates of medical sciences from more than 60 countries all over the world.
The staff of the University is unique. Today we have professionals who possess exceptional teaching skills: 75 doctors and 321 candidates of medical sciences , including one correspondent of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine ,2 Academicians of VSHU, 6 academicians of UANNP , 9 distinguished doctors of Ukraine , 2 honored scientists, 2 honored Workers of higher Education of Ukraine, 66 professors, 187 associate professors.
166 teachers have the highest attestation of medical category (among them, 54 have the first category and 48 teachers have the second category).
29 teachers from clinical departments of BSMU are regional freelance professionals and consultants of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration .
Postgraduate including internship and master`s degree course (25 specialties), graduate school ( 27 specialties ), doctoral ( 6 specialties ) .
The University has 47 departments and 7 faculties. Three medical colleges in Chernivtsi , Novoselyts and Vashkivets conformed to university. University has a preparatory department for foreign students.
The material and technical base:
The university has 12 academic buildings, bases of the clinical departments in 25 cities and regional health-care institutions. Classrooms and laboratories equipped with modern technical facilities and computer technologies, a modern library which has a book collection of about 1 million copies, 5 reading halls, a university dental clinic , teaching and industrial pharmacy, sports complex, the Palace of Culture and Rest “Academic ” recreation ” Health”, a modern well-developed campus including five academic buildings, clinics, a library, 5 hostels, a gym, canteens.
Clinical Department placed on the basis of 27 medical and pharmaceutical institutions in Chernivtsi , equipped with modern equipment. Laboratories and classrooms , are fully-equipped, provided with necessary furniture and technical equipment in the size and number which are necessary for high-quality of the educational process , scientific, medical and advisory work .
Classrooms equipped with modern information and communication technologies through the Internet server of distance learning , with all the electronic educational materials for every discipline taught at the university, including materials in English language. The university conducted online lectures from leading scholars from Ukraine and abroad. Since 2011we have a digital repositories – institutional electronic archive that collects scientific, educational and teaching documents and materials, and provides instant access to them via the «Internet».
Students have possibility to use modern PC know-how, world`s informative networks in the process of study.
BSMU consistently holds a decent position in the rankings of higher education institutions.
2012- 11th place in the national rankings of higher educational institutions of Ukraine “Top 200” among medical universities
2nd place in the international ranking «WEBOMETRICS» and 4394 position among the medical universities of Ukraine in the world among 20,000 universities 785 place in the world rankings «Ranking Web of Repositories»
1st place among the top medical schools of Ukraine in terms of scientometrical database Scopus in April 2012, the University ranked 38th among the all universities in Ukraine and 8th among Medical .
Postgraduate education
In 2012-2013 academic year at the University of studied 674 interns.
164 experienced teachers taught the interns(including – 48 professors , 87 associate professors, 29 assistant professors with extensive teaching and medical experience). Studying process was provided by 27 specialized clinical departments. Training of interns and pharmacist interns carried out in 31 hospital bases and 18 pharmacies .
In 2012-2013 academic year was the first graduate of interns of “Dentistry Faculty” and ” Forensic medicine”.
Also, our school is running in the distance learning system «Moodle», which allows medical interns to prepare themselves for passing a licensing integrated exams in any convenient time . This approach to training yields positive results.
In 2012 at the faculty of postgraduate education improved their skills 2495 doctors from Chernivtsi , Volyn , Zhytomyr, Transcarpathian, Ivano- Frankivsk, Kyiv , Lviv, Odesa , Rivne , Sumy, Ternopil, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy regions and 143 pharmacists.
Faculty of Postgraduate Studies provides all the backgrounds for the training of medical specialists and pharmacists , specialists in internship for training and retraining of doctors ( pharmacists) in specialties not provided for internship , but also organizes and provides a systematic improvement of professional knowledge and skills of managers and health professionals health.
We welcome you to study in Bukovinian State Medical University.
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