Chapter 22 Chapter 22 – Reproductive System Gametes and Chromosomes The sex cells are called gametes and contain a single copy of each chromosome including one of the sex chromosomes. Male gametes are called spermatozoa (sing. spermatozoon), or simply sperm cells; female gametes…
Endocrine System: Regulation of Energy Metabolism and Growth with figures
Chapter 21 – Endocrine System: Regulation of Energy Metabolism and Growth To maintain homeostasis in our bodies it is necessary that the activity of all the cells is coordinated. This chapter focuses on how hormones regulate metabolic pathways in different cells to…
Digestive System Physiology with figures
Chapter 20 – The Digestive System Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients and Water Carbohydrates Most digestible carbohydrates are in the form of polysaccharides including starch in plant products and glycogen in animal products. Some polysaccharides cannot be digested. These include cellulose, or plant fiber,…
The Urinary System: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance with figures
Chapter 19 – The Urinary System: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Factors Affecting the Plasma Composition Solute and water content of plasma is affected by movement of materials in and out of the body and by movement of materials between body compartments. Ways…
Urinary System: Renal Function with figures
Chapter 18 – Urinary System: Renal Function Functions of Urinary System The primary functions of the kidney are: 1. Regulation of plasma ionic composition including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate and phosphates 2. Regulation of plasma volume 3. Regulation of plasma…
Respiratory System: Gas Exchange and Regulation of Breathing with figures
Chapter 17 – Respiratory System: Gas Exchange and Regulation of Breathing Pulmonary Circulation The cells of the body consume an average 250 ml of oxygen per minute and produce about 200 ml of carbon dioxide per minute. The ratio…
Blood Physiology with figures
Chapter 15 – Blood The Composition of Blood Review the anatomy on your own. Platelets and Hemostasis The process of hemostasis occurs in three steps: vascular spasm, formation of platelet plug and formation of a blood clot, or thrombus. Vascular Spasm Vascular spasm…
Respiratory System Physiology with figures
Chapter 16 – Respiratory System Respiration is the process of gas exchange and occurs on two levels: Internal Respiration The use of oxygen by the mitochondria to produce ATP by oxidative phosphorylation with production of carbon dioxide as a waste product. External Respiration – Exchange…