
Also known as: Dnipropetrovsk State Medical University

Dnipropetrovsk State Medical AcademyCity: Dnepropetrovsk

Established year: 1916

Status: State

Accreditation level: IV

Qualification levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master, Mphil , PhD

Today Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy- one of the leading higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine with a single continuous training of specialists at three levels: pre-university , university and post-graduate .


The first medical

The second  medical

The  third medical


International faculty

 The Second International Department

 Faculty of Postgraduate Education

4.5 million students and 1,333 students from 42 other countries.

55 Departments

More than 500 teachers

Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy

More than a 100 doctors and 350 candidates. In total, the Academy has over 1,300 employees .

Among the teachers : 1 academic from the Medical Sciences Academy , academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences , 6 academicians of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 13 academicians and corresponding members of other academies, 10 Honored Scientists of Ukraine, 9 Honored Doctors of Ukraine, 5 Honored Educators of Ukraine , 2 honored workers of Health, 12 winners of the state Prize of Ukraine, 2 laureates of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2 winners of the annual prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists, 2 winners of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the outstanding achievements of young people in the development of Ukraine.


The First Faculty of Medicine :

Obstetrics and Gynecology

First faculty of Hospital Therapy  and Pathology

Second faculty of Hospital Therapy

Second faculty of Hospital surgery

General Surgery

Infectious diseases

Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine

Faculty of therapy and endocrinology

The Second Faculty of Medicine :

Hygiene and Ecology

Pediatric Surgery

General hygiene

Neurology and Ophthalmology


Propaedeutics childhood diseases

Faculty of Pediatrics and medical genetics


The Third Faculty of Medicine :

Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Biochemistry, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry

First faculty of Hospital Pediatrics


General and Clinical Pharmacy

Medical Biology , Botany and Pharmacognosy

Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacoeconomics

Dental School :

Pediatric Dentistry

Oncology and Medical Radiology

Orthopedic Dentistry


Physical rehabilitation, sports medicine and valeology

Oral surgery , implantology and paradontology

The First International Faculty:

Human Anatomy


Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics

Microbiology , virology , immunology and epidemiology

Language training


The Second International School :

Human Anatomy


Medical and Biological Physics and Informatics

Microbiology , virology , immunology and epidemiology

Language training


Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine

Faculty of Postgraduate Education :

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Anesthesiology , intensive care and medical emergencies

Gastroenterology and therapy

Medical and social assessment and rehabilitation

Nervous Diseases and Neurosurgery

Pediatrics and Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics


Family Medicine

Social Medicine, organization and management of health


Therapy , cardiology and family medicine

Surgery , traumatology and orthopedics

Scientific activities of the Academy are provided with modern methodological and technical base. Currently, performed 61 research work .

The priority areas are:

-Development a new diagnostic technologies of progression of hypertension.

-Perinatal HIV infection : assessment of the efficiency and optimization of modern pharmacological means of prevention , treatment, rehabilitation and curb the spread of HIV / AIDS.

-Development of a new methods of treatment and prevention of cancer, of the bladder and prostate cancer, methods of diagnosis and treatment of cerebral vascular disease.

-Development of domestic technologies treatment of orthopedic diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Scholars Academy is actively involved in the work of international congresses and symposia. The effectiveness of graduate school – 100%. Received 265 patents. Published 6507 articles, 516 of them are abroad. The Academy produces academic scientific journals – “Medical Perspectives” , ” Urology .

Material and technical base :

Academy occupies an area of 85 hectares, has 8 academic buildings with total area of 52000 square meter, in which it is placed 608 classrooms, offices and laboratories, 7 hostels in which live 2849 students. Academy has at its disposal a sports complex, a sanatorium ,  sports camp , scientific library and two museums .

42 clinical departments are located at the bases of 28 hospitals and used  more than 15 thousand beds. There are 29 specialized centers on clinical bases of Academy .

At the disposal of students and teachers :

sanatorium for 100 persons.

sports complex, which includes gaming , fencing , fitness room , table tennis room , wrestling, swimming pool, a sports stadium with tennis courts , country sports camp for 250 seats.

complex canteens , cafes, coffee shops.

People’s History Museum DSEA.

fundamental anatomy museum , etc.

After graduation, our graduates can choose any specialty of medical profile .

Postgraduate training in DSMA held at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education in 26 specialties , in internship on 39 specialties , in graduate school on 21 specialties , in residency on 24 specialties and in master`s degree course on 12 specialties . Every year at the Faculty of postgraduate education tough about 4500 students. Postgraduate studies carried out by leading scientists , doctors of the highest medical qualification , including 19 professors and 58 associate professors.

Postgraduate preparation is carried out in three directions


Upgrade qualification or retraining of doctors.

Training of medical residents .

Student Scientific Society of DSMA has 60 clubs and 1,300 members . The Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy is constantly introducing new forms of studying , created a computer system control of research activities of students. Students in all departments are engage in scientific circles, can take part in high school, national and international conferences, in performance of research works, in rationalization and inventive activity. Annually university`s members send the scientific works to national and international competitions and are highly appreciated. Students are members of councils of faculties and academies.

Latest news from the life of the academy , information on the achievement of scientists , psychologists tips and other useful tips you can find in the academy newspaper “Puls” , which is an important link that binds and unites the team .

Scientific activities of the Academy are provided with modern technical and methodological bases.

Researches  provide by:

Library with department of Foreign Literature, electronic catalogue, computer software, information on specialized medical periodicals.

information department , which has at its disposal more periodic and abstracts of scientific literature ;

service of standardization and metrology;

Central and Science Laboratory , equipped with modern equipment and staffed by qualified personnel ;

morphological , immunological and biochemical laboratories .

Since 1990, the DSEA conducts training of foreign nationals. In 1995 was the first graduation of foreign doctors . Today at the academy study more than 400 people from 29 countries in Asia and Africa.

The Academy also conducts training students in the improvement of the scientific process ( India, Japan , Denmark, France , USA, Netherlands, China, Spain ) .

Our offers you to train on premedical, undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Premedical level includes preparatory Russian (Ukrainian) language course where over 1300 foreignerss from more then 45 countries of the world study.

Undergraduate course includes training in the next specialties:

General medicine, pediatrics, medical-preventive care, dentistry, clinical pharmacy, pharmacy, hospital nurse.

Postgraduate education  includes internship, master degree course, PhD course, clinical residency and specialization.

Academy has a close partnership with higher education institutions of different countries, like as Russia, China, France, the USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Great Britain, etc.

Also Dniepropetrovsk Medical Academy is the member of the European Association of the International Medical Education.

We actively cooperates with WHO and other institutions.

The academy provides all conditions for students.

Preparatory Department for Foreign Sitizens:

We have a one-year preparatory course provides Russian (Ukrainian) language courses, biology, chemistry and physics.

Foreign students’ training is carried out by: 17 lecturers, among them 1 professor and 3 PhD.

Here are modern material and technical bases, high level of teaching staff.

All students of preparatory department are provided with scientific and methodical literature. Efficiency of educational process depends on the educational facilities, especially modern technologies.

Preparatory study is going in computer and language classes.

Teaching staff of preparatory department helps foreigners also in questions of everyday life.

After a completion of the preparatory course students are admitted to the first and second International Faculty .

Period of training: 33 weeks (2 semesters)

Annual tuition fee: 1542$

Undergraduate Courses:

General Medicine

Period of training: 6 years

Obtained degree: Doctor of Medicine


  • Training in Russian orUkrainian – 3500$ (for 6 years)
  • Training in English – 4000$ (for 6 years)


Period of training: 5 years

Obtained degree: Doctor of Dental Medicine

Tuition fee:

  • Training in Russian orUkrainian – 3500$ (for 5 years)
  • Raining in English – 4000$ (for 5 years)


Period of training: 5 years

Obtained degree: Pharmacist


  • Training in Russian andUkrainian – 2664$ (for 5 years)
  • Training in English – 3000$ (for 5 years)

We welcome you to study in Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy.

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