Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Founded in 1930
Status: State
Accreditation: IV
Form of study: Full-time, part-time, external
Qualifying levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master
36 departments
Over 10000 students
760 international students from 31 countries
40 departments
Centre of Distance Learning
Center of pre-university preparation (preparatory department, preparatory courses)
Training Center for postgraduate education and upgrade qualification
12 training buildings.
7 dormitories.
9 gyms.
16 playgrounds.
Teaching staff: 62 doctors and professors, 229 associate professors (70% of the total number of teachers with academic degrees and titles), 12 academicians and corresponding members of the branch academies of sciences, 7 Honored workers of Science and Technology, honored workers of Education of Ukraine, 7 winners of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.
The University also provides training in specific areas and externship. HNADU prepares specialists among the citizens of Ukraine and the countries of the near and far abroad.
– Automobiles and automobile industry.
– Wheeled and tracked vehicles.
– Internal combustion engines.
– Vocational training. Metrology, standardization and certification in mechanical engineering.
– Highways and airports.
– Bridges and transport tunnels.
– Ecology and Environment.
– Hoisting, building, road and reclamation machines and equipment;
– Automatic control of technological processes;
– Metrology and measuring equipment.
– Electrical systems and complexes of transport vehicles;
– Flexible Computerized Systems and Robotics;
– Automation and automation of transport;
– Vocational training. Maintenance and repair of city and road transport.
– Management of the organizations;
– Economics of the enterprise;
– Accounting and Auditing;
– International Economics.
– The organization of transportations and management on the motor transport;
– Organization and traffic regulation;
– Transport systems.
Terms of training
Bachelor degree 4 years
Specialist or Master degree 5 years
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University, invite you to get higher education in the such specialities:
Automobile Roads and Aerodromes Engineering
Bridge and Transport Tunnel Engineering
Mechanical Engineering:
Lifting-transport, Road, Building, Meliorative Machines & Equipment
International Economy:
International Economy
Transport Technologies :
Transportation Engineering and Transport Management
Transport Systems
Regulation and Traffic Management
Foreigners who have a secondary education certificate can enter the university without any exams. Our graduates get the Diploma of Bachelor degree and Master degree.
Getting Bachelor degree – 4 years, Master – 1 year.
Tuition is 2400 US dollars per year.
Material base:
43 specialized classes are equipped with 1200 personal computers with access to Internet. Established the satellite and cable television which is used in educational process. There is the modern publishing complex. The university has the unique range of road-building equipment, some unique laboratories, among which a laboratory of high-speed cars which known and recognized around the world as the design and sports achievements.
University has a unique educational and scientific laboratories, among them is laboratory of high-speed cars work; problem laboratories concerning development of environmentally friendly kriomobiles and airmobiles; regional laboratory of examination the motor transport.
There are the administration and departments that ensure the functioning of the university; automobile faculty and faculty of transportation systems; distance learning center, center of improvement of professional skills and individual postgraduate education , classrooms, laboratories , and computer labs in the Main teaching and laboratory building.
Teaching and laboratory academic building of road construction department. includes the classrooms, laboratories, Regional Lyceum, Publishing house, fast cars laboratory, center of professional and pre-university preparation.
Teaching and laboratory building of mechanic faculty and the School of Management and Business , polygon of car and road equipment .
Scientific and Technical Library of the University includes in the top six university libraries of Ukraine. Today the library has a modern computer technology, WLAN, electronic databases , Internet, and visitors have access to electronic libraries of the world . Library Fund includes 480,401 books.
The University Campus has 7 dormitories. The campus where live more than three thousand students, has its own infrastructure providing worthy living conditions.
Researches: The main direction of research is the improvement of active vehicle safety, development of effective methods of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and engines, creation of mobile computing systems for cars.
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