
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

City: KharkovKharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Established in 1930

Status: State

Accreditation: IV

Form of study: Full-time, part-time, telecommuting

Qualifying levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master

Number of students: 11000


Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics was founded as the Kharkov Institute of Mining Engineering, Automation and Computer Engineering , then called the Kharkov Institute of Radio.


In 2012 KNURE won the first place in the official ranking of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport among the technical universities.

Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics

Material and technical base :
Modern logistics equipment , 30 research centers and laboratories , a center of scientific and technical creativity of youth , students television center, local computer network, the Internet , e-library, reading room, dining room, cafe ,a sanatorium .

Intensively developing educational and laboratory facilities of the University. Created and successfully operates a local computer network , Internet, technology center of distance learning, the onlyUkrainian laboratory of satellite television , laboratories of radio-electronic office equipment, technical and software information security, consumer electronics, microprocessor devices, bank technologies etc. Developed a typical version of corporate information and analytical system “university ” , which ensures the highly computer support planning and monitoring of the basic processes of life of the institution .


University is one of the first educational institutions of Ukraine that began to develop and implement distance learning methods , and on its initiative was created theUkrainian association of distance education for integration and coordination of action in this area, including the educational institutions of the CIS countries .


High quality education is provided not only a modern material and technical base of university , the publication of new books, textbooks and monographs . High quality education and extensive international cooperation with foreign universities enable students and teachers to learn and train in the leading universities of the world .


KNURE created all the conditions for the development of harmonious personality of the student, such as a library, reading rooms , a cultural center with numerous national collectives of amateur performances , sports club , etc. KNURE conducted scientific work in education , the development of new teaching methods, which results are published in the University magazine ” New Collegium ” .


Stable development of scientific schools and perspective scientific directions is carried out in conditions of active cooperation with foreign partners , namely, with  the universities in the UK , Finland, France, Germany, the United States and other countries to integrate the University into the global system of higher education. The priority direction of ??cooperation is considered participation of research teams at the University in fundamental and applied researches , which are financed by the European Union , in particular within INTAS and INCO -Copernicus programs. University students are actively involved in research work in the implementation of international projects. As a result , in the KNURE created a new single complex system of training specialists at educational levels “specialist”, “master”, which allows the university to enter into a network of technical universities of the European Union .


On the basis of scientific and technical developments of  scientists the University created a modern medical and diagnostic offices which became a basis for effective work of sanatorium “the Impulse”, calculated on 100 places.



Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control 7200 UAH

Electronic Computers (EC)

Computer Design Automation (CDA)

Information Technologies Security (ITS),

Department of Philosophy


Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Management 7200 UAH

Applied Mathematics (AM)

Informatics (INF)

Economical Cybernetics and management of economic security (EC)

Higher Mathematics (HM)

Social Informatics (SI)


Faculty of Automatizaon and computerized technologies  7200 UAH

Department of design and operation of electronic devices (PEEA)

Department of Technology and Automation electronic means and electronic computing devices (Tapraya)

Department of Physics

Department of Safety


Faculty of Computer Science 7200 UAH

Department of Information Control Systems (ICS)

Department of Systems Engineering (PT)

Department of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics

Department of Software Engineering


Faculty of Telecommunications and Instrumentation 7200 UAH

Department of Telecommunication Systems (TKC)

Department of Communication Network (CN)

Department of Metrology and Measurement Equipment (MME)


Faculty of Electronic Engineering 6200 UAH

Department of microelectronics, electronic devices and Appliances (MEDA)

Department of Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering (PFEE)

Department of Biomedical Electronic Devices and Systems (BED)

Department of Physical Education


Faculty of Radio Engineering  7200UAH

Radio Electronics System

Radio Engineering Fundamentals

Radio Electronic Devices

Department of Foreign Languages


Faculty tor foreign citizens

Department of language training

Department of Natural Sciences

Department ofUkrainian Studies

Nowadays the University trains about 11000 students, among them more than 500 students from foreign countries. The university provides accommodation for all international students.

Here are studying students from Pakistan, Uganda, Egypt, Algeria, India, China, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Tunis, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania.


International students can study on below educational programs

Bachelor degree– Biomedical Engineering, Economical cybernetics,  Computer Engineering,  Information Security;

Master degree– Biomedical Engineering, Information Security,  Computer Systems and Networks and Software Engineering,  Economical Cybernetics.


Faculty of Postgraduate Education (FPE)

Provides educational services on the full-time, part-time, distance learning and external studies in 13 specialties.

More than 20 years in one of the most prestigious universities in Ukraine at the faculty of foreign citizens carrying out training of students from foreign countries.

Entered the Faculty of training foreign citizens you will become a highly skilled and sought-after expert in the field of modern computer technology ;

You will receive a bachelor’s degree and a Master of European sample ;

You will be able to continue their education in graduate school not only our university , but any university of the world;

You will be able to participate in the student ‘s festivals and competitions , sports tournaments and competitions , learn about the culture and the city of Kharkov Ukraine ;

You will spend unforgettable years in Ukraine and make new friends .


Awards and reputation

First place among the technical universities in Ukraine according to rankings compiled by MES of Youth and Sports.

In the rating of “Compass 2012″ KNURE took the 8th place in the general rating, 9th place in section ” Technical specialties “, 4th place in section ” IT profession .”

The results of the rating ” Compass 2012″ in the Eastern region : the 7th place in general universities rating, the 6thplace in the section ” Technical specialties ” and the 2nd place  in the category ” IT specialty ” .

15th place among 200 universities in Ukraine and 2nd place in the East Region . University ranked 16th in the ranking of scientometric Scopus database ofUkrainian universities.


About city

Kharkiv – the largest city in eastern Ukraine, the administrative center of the Kharkiv region. The second city in Ukraine by its population. It was the largest center of tank construction, tractor construction, and turbine construction and the third largest industrial, scientific, and transportation center of the Soviet Union after the Moscow and Leningrad. From the second half of the XX century it is the main transport hub of Southeast Europe. The Kharkiv is the first capital of Ukraine.
Currently in Kharkov 69 universities train specialists of different ownership forms and levels of accreditation, which includes 17 universities and academies 9.


Kharkiv has a rich cultural, scientific, educational, transport and industrial life.

Transport system of Kharkov is one of the best in Ukraine Kharkiv undergraund is 35 km long and has 28 stations.

Kharkov Airport has been renovated and new connections are being launched almost every half a year.

The most popular landmark of Kharkiv is the Freedom Square (Ploshcha Svobody), the third largest city square in Europe, and it takes the 7th place when speaking about the world, also you can visit our new Gorky Park.

We welcome you to study in  Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

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