Kyiv National University Of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv National University Of Construction and Architecture
Founded in 1930
Status: State
Accreditation: IV
Form of study: Full-time, part-time
Qualifying levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master
Students 10000
Average cost of training bachelor (day/correspondence) 12360 UAH / 7060 UAH
Average cost of training specialist (day/correspondence) 14350 UAH / 7500 UAH
Average cost of training master (day/correspondence) 16400 UAH / 8700 UAH
The University is a leading educational institution in Ukraine for training specialists for architectural and construction field. During the years of its existence the University has trained more than 65,000 engineers and architects , including about 2000 specialists from 75 countries. Long-term experience of research work and cooperation of scientists with scientific centers of Ukraine and other countries rendered assistance to creation in university three research institutes, two research complexes, the center of economic researches and forecasting, 11 research laboratories.
The university has nine specialized councils for awarding academic degrees and Ph.D. The university harmoniously combine fundamental and applied research , and its result is the creation of effective structures and improvement of methods for calculating them , improvement of technology, management, economics and construction management of new and renovated facilities , the development of resource-saving technologies of production construction materials , creation, improvement and operation of the building machinery , improvement of design, engineering and management in construction and other areas on the basis of computer technology , environmental protection. Research is carried out of about 700 university teachers and researchers.
The University has about 10,000 students who study on 19 specialties. Educational process is provided on 44 departments, which qualified teaching staff is more than 400 scientists with academic degrees and titles, including 100 doctors, professors.
Terms of training
Full-time: For Bachelor – 4 years; specialist, master – 5 years (training on specialty “Architecture” – 5.5 years);
Extramural education: For Bachelor – 5 years, specialist, master – 6 years.
Faculty of Automation and Information Technology
For bachelors (4 years): ” Engineering Mechanics “, ” Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies “, ” Computer science “, ” Teacher Education “,
For masters and specialists (1 year): lifting , building, road , agricultural machines and equipment , automated control of technological process, information management systems and technologies , information technology of design ;
Architectural Faculty
For bachelors (4,5 years): ” Architecture ” and “Art”
For masters and specialists (1 year): buildings architecture, urban planning , design of architectural environment, decorative arts.
Construction Faculty
For bachelors (4 years): ” Construction ” and ” Management”
For masters and specialists (1 year): industrial and civil construction, management of organization.
Construction technological Faculty
For bachelors (4 years): ” Construction ”
For masters and specialists (1 year): Technology of Building constructions, products and materials.
Geoinformation Systems and territory management technologies
For bachelors (4 year): “Construction” and ” Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management”
For masters and specialists (1 year): urban development and farming , geodesy , land management and cadastre; geographic information systems and technologies .
Sanitary-Engineering Faculty
For bachelors (4 years): ” Construction “, ” Water Resources ” and “Ecology”
For specialists and masters (1 year): ecology and environmental protection , heat and gas supply and ventilation , construction and equipment of water supply and water disposal .
Preparation courses
· engineering departments 5000 UAH
· architectural faculties 9000 UAH
Tuition fees:
Department of Architecture:
Bachelor – 24 000. (3000 $) per year;
Master -30,000 USD. (3750 $) per year;
Technical Department:
Bachelor – 17 000. (2125 $) per year;
Master – 19 000. (2375 $) per year;
Graduate School 25 000 -32 000 USD. (2750 – $ 4,000) per year.
Students are provided with places in hostels of hotel type: 2-and 3-bed rooms.
The cost of living in a hostel: $ 800 per year.
Department of international Relations
The Preparatory Department for foreign citizens was founded in 1967.
The university cooperates with many educational institutions all over the world. It has a preparatory faculty for foreign students. During the years of its existence it trained and graduated more than 4000 students from foreign countries.
If foreign citizens wish to study at Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture they must finish a preparatory department and have a certificate of finishing preparatory courses.
Preparatory department for foreign citizens trains the foreigners who have full secondary education and wish to study at University at such specialties as: architecture, economy engineering, medicine.
The period of training is 10 months.
About city
Kiev is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, city-hero. Located on the Dnieper River . Kiev is a separate administrative unit of Ukraine , cultural, political , socio-economic , transport, scientific and governmental center of the country , which is also one of the religious centers . Kyiv located in the north central part of Ukraine . Kiev is the seventh most populous city in Europe, after Istanbul , Moscow, London , St. Petersburg, Berlin and Madrid.
Since 1991 Kyiv is the capital of the independent Ukraine. The city has its own emblem and flag .
The city consists of 10 districts on the right and left banks of the Dnieper.
Since IX century Kiev was an important center of intellectual development in Eastern Europe.
Today Kiev is one of the largest centers of science and education in Ukraine. Kiev has a large number of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, including several universities of international importance.
Kiev is an important industrial center of Ukraine.
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