
Mechnikov Odessa National University

City: Odessamechnikov-odessa-national-university-6191854

Established in 1865

Status: State

Accreditation: IV

Form of study: Full-time, part-time

Qualifying levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master

Fee  (UAH): From 5700 to 13650

Number of students: More than 8000

Departments 10


Total number of employees of Odessa National University is about 3,500 people, including 179 doctors, professors , 732 candidates of sciences , professors.

Number of academic staff is 1671 people. In the training process involved 125 doctors, professors, 576 associate professors, including 57 academicians, corresponding members of NAS, distinguished scientists , winners of the State awards. Total number of students is about 14,500 people.
Also at the Odessa national university get education more than 700 foreign citizens.

Odessa national university named after  I.I. Mechnikov (ONU) from the date of its creation on May 1, 1865 occupies one of leading places in the formation of education system , in development of scientific researches and culture in Ukraine. It is one of the oldest universities of Ukraine. ONU is world famous university with high international authority.

Our University takes the 4th place in a rating of higher educational institutions of Ukraine according to indicators of the scientometric Scopus database.


Odessa University has 8 major academic buildings with total area of ??70637 square meters and an area of ??52937 square meters for training .


8 campuses, with total area of ??40.5 thousand square meters, 4 buffets , health centers and sports camp ” Chernomorka ” for 500 people . On the basis of sports facilities (the oldest stadium in Odessa , two sports halls , tennis courts) in ONU prepared world champions of Europe, USSR and Ukraine, the Olympic Games , numerous international master and master of sports.


There are 28 scientific schools. Every year run research projects, totaling about 7 million USD from the state budget and contract issues.


24 University scientists take part in 18 scientific and professional boards in Ukraine. Researches conducted in 30 research departments, including 4 research institutes, 11 research centers , 14 research laboratories .


Library is one of the largest and oldest academic libraries in Ukraine. Founded in 1817 , the library has a fund of more than 3.6 million books , including the unique ancient editions XV-XVIII centuries – 5 incunabulas , 27 paleotypes printed in the first century of book-printing (XV cent.) And about 9,000 rare and valuable books.


Botanical Garden – one of the most famous and oldest in Ukraine, founded in 1867.

Scientific researches are concentrated in 28 scientific divisions, among which 4 research institutes, 8 research centers, 14 problem and research laboratories.


The main objective of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov is training of qualified personnel to meet the needs of different areas of the economy and graduate specialists in education, science, art, economics, law, business , etc.


The educational process at the Odessa National University provides 4 Institute ( Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Mechanics , Institute of Social Sciences , Institute of Postgraduate Education ) and 10 faculties: history, philology, Roman-Germanic Philology , economics , juridical, biological , geological and geographical, chemical , physical and Preparatory Faculty. In addition, there is specialized dean’s office for foreign students, Preparatory Department for Foreigners , College of Business and Social Work of ONU . Odessa National University has 102 departments and Master department .


In graduate school , which is one of the largest in Ukraine , trained more than 500 people on 105 specialties. Annually 30-35 PhD theses are defended.


Each year more than 30 doctoral students protect 10 -15 doctoral theses.

Total at the Odessa National University operates 7 specialized soviets with 29 specialties.


Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov established a system of educational institutes and centers in a such cities as Nikolayev, Kherson, Pervomaisk ,Iljichovsk , Belgorod -Dniester , Teplodar .

Odessa National University provides training of the specialists on the basis of a license for 20 directions and 41 specialties.



Historical faculty – 7410 UAH

Chemical faculty – 5700 UAH

Biological faculty – 7410 UAH

Geological and Geographical Faculty – 5700 UAH

Economical and juridical faculty – 13650 UAH

Physical faculty – 5700 UAH

Faculty of Romano-Germanic philology – 12280 UAH

Philological faculty – 12280 UAH

Philosophical faculty – 7410 UAH

Preparatory faculty

Bachelor Degrees
• Cultural studies $1980
• Philosophy $1980
• Archaeology $1980
• History $1980
• Ethnology $1980
• Bulgarian language and literature $1980
•Ukrainian language and literature $1980
• Russian language and literature $2090
• English language and literature $3080
• Spanish language and literature $3080
• German language and literature $3080
• Applied linguistics $3080
• French language and literature $3080
• Translation, Interpretation $3300
• Sociology $1980
• Psychology $2640
• Political Science $1980
• International Relations $3300
• International Economic Relations $3300
• Journalism $3080
• Publishing and editing $2970
• Jurisprudence $3300
• Economic theory $2640
• Economic Cybernetics $2530
• Accounting and audit $2640
• Management $3300
• Chemistry $2090
• Biology $2090
• Biotechnology $2090
• Microbiology $2090
• Geology $1980
• Hydrogeology $1980
• Geography $1980
• Mathematics $1980
• Mechanics $1980
• Astronomy $1980
• Physics $1980
• Applied Mathematics $1980
• Computer engineering $2640
• Social Work $1980
Master Degrees

Cultural studies $2200
Philosophy $2200
Archaeology $2200
History $2200
Ethnology $2200
Bulgarian language and literature $2200
Ukrainian language and literature $2200
Russian language and literature $2310
English language and literature $3410
Spanish language and literature $3410
German language and literature $3410
French language and literature $3410
Sociology $2200
Psychology $2970
Political Science $2200
International Economic Relations $3850
Journalism $3410
Jurisprudence $3850
Economic theory $2970
Chemistry $2310
Biology $2310
Microbiology $2310
Virusology $2310
Hydrogeology $2200
Geography $2200
Mathematics $2200
Mechanics $2200
Astronomy $2200
Physics $2200
Applied Mathematics $2200


University collaborates with institutions of such countries as Austria, Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Georgia, China, Korea, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, the USA, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Finland etc.


Membership in international organizations

The European Association of Universities, Brussels

International Association of Universities, Paris, UNESCO

Eurasian Association of Universities, Moscow


The signing of the Great Charter (the Bologna Charter), University of Bologna, Italy.

The scientific and research work at the University is coordinated by the Pro-Rector for scientific work. The scientific and research work financed from the state budget through the Ministry of Education.

University held scientific events, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions, which organized by the Scientific-Research Department.


At the present, the University has 256 students from 52 foreign countries.

The University departments and laboratories have modern equipment and object-teaching appliances. From the second year, the students take part in scientific and research work. Nowadays the teaching of students is being re-organized to make it closer to the system of education in the European countries.



Odessa is the city on the northwestern coast of the Black Sea, the administrative center of the Odessa region, the largest Ukraine’s port and a major industrial, cultural, scientific and recreation center of highways and railroads.


Population of the city is 1,010,845 people. Odessa is a Hero City. According to the magazine “Focus” in 2011 Odessa was the best city for quality of life in Ukraine.


There are a number of research institutes and laboratories in Odessa.


In economy of Odessa the enterprises connected with the sea business dominate, along with them an important role in activity of the city is played by the processing enterprises and the enterprises of light industry.


Considering existence of a set of educational institutions, theaters, museums, libraries and other objects of a cultural and educational profile, the city is known around the world not only as economic, but also as the cultural center.

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