
National Mining University

City: DnepropetrovskNational Mining University

Established in 1899

Status: State

Accreditation level: IV

Form of study: Full-time, part-time, evening

Qualifying levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master


Material-technical base:

10 academic buildings, dining room, recreation center , health care center , sports complex, assembly and dance halls, library (more than 1.5 million books), 6 dormitories for 3050 persons.

Now the National Mining University is a leading institution of education and science, which in the conditions of world integration processes prepares highly skilled professionals and researchers in all specialties of geological survey and mining area, fuel and energy and mineral resources complexes, mechanical engineering and systems of automation , production computarization. Our graduates possess the most modern computer technology , they are able to solve complex problems of development of industry, economy and law.

National Mining University Dnipropetrovsk

In recent years, the number of students of National Mining University has considerably increased. Started training of specialists on the newest specialties. Oriented on the principles of the Bologna Declaration, here is developed and implemented national standards in education , modern training technologies.


National Mining University has the international level. The main objective of our activity is to approve the globally high quality technical and humanitarian training in Ukraine, using the best modern educational technologies of the leading American and European universities in the training process. Nowadays we have stable business relations with more than 40 universities and research institutions in 20 countries in Western and Central Europe, Asia and North America. University specialists, students and graduators are actively participate in prestigious international symposia, conferences and congresses.


The University has aUkrainian-German cultural center,Ukrainian -American linguistic center,Ukrainian- Spanish-Latin American centers and centers of energy saving and energy management, technical protection of information , language training, and aesthetic development , gemological . And all the students can optionally pass a course here if they wish.


The University scientists are working on the implementation of national, international , cross-sectoral and regional programs for solve the priority problems of development of fuel and energy complex, mineral resources, mechanical engineering, ecology. Scientific achievements of university of coal production and effective using of coal, ore minerals of ferrous metals and precious metals, in creation of resource-and energy saving, nature protection and geoinformation technologies, in development of modern control systems by manufacturing management are recognized and are widely used in Ukraine and in the world.


University has highly qualified scientific and pedagogical potential and advanced modern scientific laboratory base and unique equipment, close connection with the  industry, scientists actively involved in solving current problems of the economy.


At the university study about 16,000 students and trainees, postgraduate and doctoral students on 27 specialisations . Teaching process carry out for more than 600 teachers , including more than 100 doctors, professors and 350 associate professors . High quality education is guaranteed by infrastructure of the educational process (total area of ? university buildings is 126049 m ² ) , modern computer equipment (over 500 modern computers ) , local and global computer networks , a library with more than one million books , strong material-technical base of laboratories , the newest technology of training.


For 100 years, the University has trained over 56,000 highly qualified specialists , issued more than 500 monographs, 250 textbooks and schoolbooks, which are widely known outside of Ukraine. Training carry out by about 150 doctors and over 1750 Candidates of Sciences. Scientists of the University are the authors about 2,600 inventions, they received 300 patents in foreign contries.



Electrical Engineering Faculty

Department of Electric Machines

Department of Power-Supply systems

Department of Metrology and information and measurement technologies

Department of Electric Drive

Translation Department


Faculty of Information Technologies

Department of Information Security and Telecommunications

Department of System Analysis and Management

Department of Automation and Computer Systems

Department of ?omputer Programs


Faculty of management

Department of Management of production sphere

Department of applied economics

Department of economic theory and fundamentals of business

Department of foreign languages


Faculty of finances and economics

Department of economic cybernetics and information technologies

Department of economics of enterprices

Department of Marketing

Department of economic analysis and finance

Department of Accounting


Mining faculty

Department of Underground Mining

Department of Open Cast Mining

Department of Aerology and Labour Protection

Department of Transport Systems and Technologies

Department of Ecology

Department of Military Training

Department of Physical Culture


Faculty of construction

Department of Construction and Geomechanics

Department of Mine Surveying

Department of Geodesy

Department of Physics


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Structural, Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Department of Machinery Design Bases

Department of Mining Machines and Engineering

Department of Mining Engineering

Department of Mining Mechanics

Department of Mineral Dressing

Department of Automobiles and Automobile Economy

Department of Transportation Management


Faculty of Geological Prospecting

Department of Geology and Mineral Prospecting

Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering geology

Department of Geophysical Methods of Mineral Prospecting

Department of Mineral Prospecting Technology

Department of Geoinformation Systems

Department of Mineralogy and Petrography

Department of General and Structural Geology

Department of Higher Mathematics

Department of Chemistry


Faculty of Law 

Department of History and Political Theory

Department of Philosophy

Department of Civil and Economic Law

Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology


Institute of Extramural Education

Interbranch Institute of Continuing Learning

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