
National University Of The Water Management And Natural Resources

City: RovnoNational University Of The Water Management And Natural Resources

Established: 1915

Status: State

Accreditation: IV

Form of study: Full-time, part-time, external

Qualification: Bachelor, Specialist, Master


Teaching staff: 719 teachers, among them 72 doctors of science, professors

360 candidates of science, professors

55 candidates of science, associate professors

45 candidates of science, senior teachers


In 1915 Kiev members of the Society on education distribution (group of professors of the Kiev polytechnical institute) created the Kiev agricultural hydrotechnical school. In 1930 on its base was founded the Kiev Engineering and Meliorative Institute (KEMI) with two faculties: engineering- meliorative and cultural-technical. In 1957 KEMI was renamed into the Kiev Institute of Engineers of a Water Management (KIEWM).
National University Of The Water Management
In 1959 the Institute was renamed into theUkrainian Institute of Engineers of a Water Management (UIEWM). In 1998 on the basis of the Institute and Rovno Motor Transportation and Textile Technical Schools was created the Rovno State Technical University (RSTU). In May, 2004 the university was given the status of National University of a Water Management and Environmental Management (NUWMEM). Thus, 1915 consider as the beginning of basis of University. In 2015 the University will celebrate the ?? 100 – years anniversary.

Today the National University of Water Management and Environmental Management is the only higher education institution in Ukraine (and the fourth in the CIS) which carries out training of specialists and carries out scientific researches for specific and necessary branch – water management, and also for other branches which activity is closely connected with use of water resources.


Students study in 10  educational- scientific institutes and 5 local centers of distance learning. Training of specialists at the University, including foreign students, is carried out on 33 directions and 42 specialties according to educational and professional programs of the bachelor, the specialist, the master degree. Educational process is provided by teachers of 51 departments.


Educational institution is awarded with the order of Friendship of the people, the numerous winner of ratings “The Gold fate”, “The best enterprises of Ukraine” in the nomination “Higher education”, the winner of All-Ukrainian competition on a rank “The best employer of year” among the enterprises and the organization of the Rovno region, included in the Gold book of business elite of “Ukraine”.


The University is the leader in Ukraine on training of specialists for a water management and remains extremely actual also for other branches – hydropower, power, construction, mining, agricultural. Training of specialists on water management specialties is carried out within nearly 100 years. During this time diplomas of engineers of the water management were gained by more than 20 thousand experts who work in Ukraine and abroad. Specialties of institute are licensed on the IV level of accreditation, according to it the institute carries out training of bachelors, specialists and masters.


Material base

The university has a strong material base that meets the modern requirements of training specialists. The educational process is carried out in 7 educational buildings where work over 100 specialized audiences, offices, laboratories, the classes equipped with the modern audiovisual equipment, computers and other technical equipment. Educational, production and other practicians students pass in the laboratories, workshops, on training grounds of university, in lead agencies and in the enterprises of Ukraine, foreign Higher Education Institutions and enterprises.


Funds of library have over 820000 copies, among them: educational, scientific literature, periodicals, normative technical documentation, theses and other sources of information.


University town is convenient and compact. Here are situated educational buildings and 6 student’s hostels where live over than three thousand students, almost all the foreign students.


Scientific Institutions

Water Management and Environmental Management

Mechanics and Energy

Road Transport

Construction and Architecture

Automation, Cybernetics and Computer Technology

Agroecology and land Management

Economics, Management and Law



Environmental engineering and gydromelioration

Hydrotechnical construction, resistance of materials and construction mechanics

Water management construction and operation of hydromeliorative systems

Water supply, water disposal and boring

Water management ecology, hydrology and hydraulics

Engineering geology and hydrogeology


Tuition Fees

On preparatory department – 1001$ per year.

At the main faculty.

Day form of education – 1501 $ per year.

Correspondence form of education– 800 $ per year.

The bachelor degree(training in English) – 2200 $ per year.

The master degree (training in English) – 2400 $ per year.

Postgraduate study – 2500 $ per year.

Doctoral studies – 3000 $ per year.


Main Directions Of Scientific Activity Of The Institute

• The filtration theory in environments, are deformed; physical modeling of the filter of deformation processes.

• Theoretical bases and practical methods of complex regulation of stream channel of the mountain rivers with using the gydromorfological theory of the stream channel processes.

• Management of high waters and antiflood protection of settlements and territories against flooding by high waters.

• Protection of settlements against flooding and agricultural grounds.

• Information technologies in the solution of problems of deformation and stability of discrete and continual systems.

• The principles and mechanisms of public administration by a water management on state and regional levels.

• Mechanisms of transfer of the reclaimed lands and objects in the municipal property.

• Improvement of an ecological condition of irrigating and drying lands, water objects, ecological improvement of the small rivers and lakes.

• Methods, ways, technical means of the commercial water account on the water management objects.

• Technologies and technical means of water treatment and water disposal for systems of agricultural water supply, technical means of purification of irrigation water.

• Monitoring of the reclaimed lands, channels, constructions, the small rivers and other objects for receiving an objective assessment about them.

• Increase of reliability of operation of irrigating and drying systems and water – management objects.

• Monitoring of a state and increase of operational reliability of rice irrigating systems of the Dunay river.

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