Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk
Poltava National Technical University
City: Poltava
Founded in 1930
Status: State
Accreditation: IV
Form of study: Full-time, part-time, external
Qualifying levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master, Doctoral Programmes
10000 students
Material-technical base:
Central building
9 educational buildings
Laboratory facilities and modules;
Stadium and sports complex;
Campus with 5 dormitories for students, equipped with computer classes
Canteen, café
4 gyms
65 educational and research laboratories with full-scale equipment
32 computer labs
computerized library (500 thousand copies)
5 reading rooms
Poltava National Technical University named after Kondratyuk is a higher education institution in Poltava, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 29 August 1994 on the basis of the former Civil Engineering Institute, then called the Poltava Technical University. In March 2002 the university granted the status of a national. Since that time, it became known as the Poltava National Technical Universitynamed after Kondratyuk.
Teaching staff: more than 500 teachers, among which are 2 Winners of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, 3 Honored Worker of Education, 1 National Artist of Ukraine, 2 Honored Artists of Ukraine, 1 Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, 1 Honored Artist of Ukraine, 3 winners of an award named after academician Budnikov, 30 academicians and Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences of theUkrainian industry, 34 doctors of Science, Professors, 238 PhD, assistant professors.
University students practice at enterprises of the city and region and in the specialized training and industrial laboratories.
University diploma recognized abroad in accordance with international agreements.
In 2002, for a contribution in education and the international recognition university assigned to national status. It has about 10,000 students from 23 regions of Ukraine and 11 countries.
In April 2010, the university was awarded the Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
We are proud of our leading scientists, State Prize Winners of Ukraine in science and technology, architecture, Ph.D., professors, who enrich the research potential of the domestic science and education.
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture of Buildings and Structures.
Department of Town-planning.
Department of Design of Architectural Environment.
Department of fine-art.
Department of Decorative and Applied Arts.
Construction Faculty:
Department of Civil and Industrial Construction
Department of Agricultural Construction
Department of Construction and Design of Objects of Oil and Gas Production Complex
Department of Repair, Exploitation and Strengthening of Constructions and Buildings
Department of Technology of Building Construction, Materials and Wares
Department of Economy and Building of City
Department of Air Fields and Highways
Department of Gas and Warm Supplying and Ventilation
Department of Geodesy, Cartography, Landmanagement.
Faculty of Management and Business
Department of Auditing and Accounting.
Department of Economic Cybernetic.
Department of Management of Enterprise
Department of Management of Innovative Activity
Department of Marketing.
Department of Tourism.
Department of Organizational Management and Administration
Department of Business-Administration.
Faculty of Electric and Mechanics
Department of Machine Construction Technology.
Department of Motor Vehicles and Motoring
Department of Automation Electro mechanic Systems and Electric Drive
Department of Lifting transport, Road, Building, Melioration Machines and Equipment
Department of Automobile Transport.
Department of Electromechanic .
Department of Cars and Automobile Economy
Finance and Economics
Department of Economy of Enterprise.
Department of Finances.
Department of Banking
Department of Economic-legal Regulation of Enterprise Activity
Department of International Economics.
Department of Marketing.
International History
Sanitary Engineering
Department Drainage System and Water-supply (6500 UAH)
Department of Environment protection and Ecology (6500 UAH)
Oil and Gas Faculty (7900 UAH)
Department of Production of Oil and Gas
Department of Equipment of Oil and Gas Mines
Department of Hydrotechnics.
Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Exploitation
Heat-and-power Engineering.
Rational Using of water
Faculty of Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Systems
Computer Engineering.
Computer Science.
Computer Systems and Network.
Humanitarian Faculty
Documentology and Information Activity.
Human Health.
Faculty for foreign Students:
Foreign citizens must have a document of complete secondary education and scores from the academic disciplines or certificate of completion the preparatory department for foreign citizens (it does not apply to foreigners who come to the preparatory department of NTUU KPI or have certificates with grades from Russian language); the original document and copy of educational qualification: – “Bachelor” (duration of training for 4 years) – Applicants shall submit for the educational qualification of Master’s degree (“engineer” with a duration training for 5 years) – entrants shall submit to post-graduate studies.
Preparation Faculty
Centre of Postgraduate Education
Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens
Separate divisions:
Poltava Petroleum Exploration College
Mirgorodsk Industrial Art College named after Nikolai Gogol
We welcome you to study at Poltava National Technical University
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