
Pryazovski State Technical University

City: MariupolPryazovski State Technical University

Founded in 1930

Status: State

Accreditation: IV

Form of study: Full-time, distance learning, preparatory department

Qualifying  levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master

11000 Students

517 teachers

217 PhDs

38 Professors and doctors

Educational process is conducted by highly skilled teachers. During study at university students study a modern computer technologies, foreign languages, study a number of economic courses, courses on environmental protection, national and foreign history and culture.

 Pryazovski Technical University

Material-technical base:

12 academic buildings, modern equipment, scientific library , cafes , buffets , ambulance room , student club , a sanatorium , a modern sports complex, medical centres; International Club; driving school; summer camp on the Azov Sea.

The University has one of the biggest library in the region , which general fund has more than 500,000 copies , 6 reading rooms for 395 seats , an electronic version of the catalogues . High quality training promotes the development of scientific work in PGTU . Scientific researches is conducted within the research complex , which includes a problem  and industry laboratories, 10 interdepartmental research laboratories and research groups in the departments .

Also we have the center of scientific and technical creativity of youth , departments of new materials and technologies , intellectual property, innovation. Subject of research work defined by the state scientific and technical programs , programs and plans of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine , orders and industrial needs .

The considerable part of researches is carried out in the main directions of development of science and the technology, approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, among which are environmental protection, environmentally friendly power and the resource-saving technologies, new substances and materials.

In recent years the number of researches on applied economy, the economic theory, ecology, sociology are increase.

The Pryazovski State Technical University has a number of successful scientific schools, which projects are widely recognized in Ukraine and abroad . This is a school of hydro-and gas dynamics , heat and mass transfer in metallurgical aggregates ; theory of rolling production , efficiency and quality of electricity supply industry , restoration and improvement of durability of machine parts and assemblies ; analysis of filtration processes in the formation of gas blast mines ; creating a wave -positive drive gears designed to equip heavy metallurgical equipment , welding and related technologies , the creation of the new generation materials.

Systematically representatives of University take part in international conferences, such as Reading of Aristotel (Mariupol, Ukraine) , conference of young scientists in the city Green Gora ( Poland) , in the symposium “East-West ” ( Wuerzburg , Germany) , “Priazov Logistics  ” ( Miskolc , Mariupol) . Traditional international scientific-practical conference about problems of electric power quality , which is held every two years in one of the partner countries .

The quality of electric current in our university is recognized as a world leader and the scientific and academic conferences around the world are defined as the best in this area. Our University works with schools in Germany, England , Italy for the preparation of applications for participation in projects under the program “Tempus- TACIS ” .

Many alumnus of PGTU are famous leaders of industrial enterprises in  Ukraine , deputies of different levels, including the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Thousands of graduates of PGTU occupy leading positions in the industrial enterprises of the city and in the region , hundreds of graduates have protected doctoral and candidate dissertations. For the considerable success achieved in area of education and science, PGTU was repeatedly awarded and it was noted at many exhibitions.

For improvement of quality of training studentts, integration of PGTU into the all-European educational and scientific space within Bologna Process at university was created the system of quality management, control center of a human resources, the modular and rating, credit and modular international system (ECTS), introduced the automated computer system «Dean’s office» for quality control of educational process.


· Faculty of Humanities

· Faculty of Power Engineering

· Faculty of Welding

· Faculty of Metallurgy

· Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

· Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty

· Faculty of Engineering and Language Training for International Students

· Faculty of Information Technologies

· Faculty of Transport Technologies

· aculty of Economics

Terms of study
Bachelor’s level –study for 4 years. In the end of study the students must pass the final examination. Specialist – study for 1 year (plus Bachelor Degree). Master’s degree – study for 1 year (plus Bachelor Degree).
Candidate of Science study up to three years, include the  protection of final dissertation.

International Cooperation: PSTU cooperates with universities in Germany, Poland, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Egypt and China.

At university operate: postgraduate study, the doctoral studies, three specialized academic councils on protection of doctoral and master’s theses on 6 specialties in which for the last four years more than 80 people defended doctoral and master’s dissertations.

Faculty for foreign students

PGTU trains foreign students more than 30 years. During this time, more than a thousand foreigners from more than 60 countries, such as Poland , Germany , Cuba, Egypt , Morocco , Syria, Jordan , India , Iraq, Israel , China, Turkey , Cameroon , Laos , Peru, Lebanon, etc. have received education at our University.

Study at the University can only foreign citizens who have completed secondary education . Foreign nationals who have been trained in higher educational institutions of another foreign countries, and wish to continue further higher education in PGTU can do this on the basis of documents of education and qualification level. Foreign nationals who have completed higher education and have a desire and ability to research and scientific work, taken in graduate and doctoral university.

Tuition Fees

Preparatory department – U.S. $ 1200 per year.

Basic faculties – 1500-2200 U.S. dollars per year.

Hostel accommodation – $ 300 per year ( the room for two people ).

Invitations to training, registration, health insurance , visa support and meeting a foreign citizen – $ 150.

Post-graduate studies – $ 2,500 per year.

Students have a pre-university tutorial and language and engineering training at the preparatory department.

The main subjects taught at the preparatory department: Russian, mathematics , physics, chemistry , computer science, biology, geography , cultural studies , history of Ukraine .

At the end of the preparatory course students pass the exams and receive a Certificate. With this certificate students can continue their education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine .

PGTU provides training on basic faculties in basic specialties to obtain a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree . Academic programs include fundamental and professionally discipline, practical training .

Postgraduate and doctoral education

Foreign citizens are admitted to postgraduate and doctoral for the preparation and defense of dissertation for getting the scientific degree of Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science. Period of Training is 3 years.

The PGTU has a special Council for the defense of dissertations in different areas of sciences: economics, mechanics , metallurgy and transport , welding.

Foreign citizens have the opportunity to undergo training and practice in various specialties , which are available at PGTU.

We welcome you to study in Pryazovski State Technical University.

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