Student Life
Student life in Poland
Student life is an important period in the life of any teenager. They become adults, which means they are responsible for themselves, their behavior and their actions. We believe that our university is a great place that will not only give students new knowledge and skills, but will help them grow and have an unforgettable student life experience.
Why Study in Poland?
Universities in Poland for International Students are located in the beautiful area in Polish Cities. It is full of magnificent landscapes and breathtaking views, so you will certainly enjoy discovering them. You can find many ancient architectural buildings with their own history and legends. The city is one of the region’s main tourist attractions and is sometimes called little Nuremberg due to the number of souvenir shops. It attracts millions of tourists, young people and travelers every year, so you can try to make new friends and have a good time with new people.
Over the centuries, many buildings have been constructed and most of them now have the status of tourist attractions and historical monuments since the establishment of Poznan in the Middle Ages. Among these attractions are the old townhouses and the downtown urban core.
The city is rich in restaurants, cafeterias and bars with their own atmosphere and ambiance, so you will want to come back. You can find places with completely different designs and energies, cuisine and drinks that will match your mood and pleasantly surprise you with their prices. If you like sports, there are plenty of gyms and training grounds. You can also go jogging, because the city streets are quite spacious, delight with their early morning atmosphere and can give you energy for the whole day.
University activities
In addition to city entertainment, you can become a member of various student clubs and organizations. You can meet your classmates anytime on or off campus, discuss interesting topics or issues that concern you, engage in any type of physical activity together, e.g. yoga, cycling, horse riding, sightseeing museums, and simply have fun.
International connections
Polish international education is not just about learning: it is about having new experiences every day. You’ll meet friends from all over the world and learn about their cultures, as well as learn more about yourself and discover talents you didn’t know you had! Build the networks for your future and open up new countries and cultures with IEU in Poland.
English skills boost
English is one of the most widely spoken languages ??in the world. So it is mandatory for modern students to master their English skills on a daily basis. Increasing your English level through international education could open many doors for you! Make new friends and get a better job in a major global company by improving your English with us!
Bright outlook
Poland is a European country with a stable economy and developed infrastructure, a place of residence and study for young people. It offers affordable prices, an indescribable atmosphere and numerous opportunities for its residents. If you are a student who wants to obtain a high-quality European degree and gain new experience, studying at Universities in Poland, in the wonderful city of Poznan is an excellent experience and a step towards an independent life in Europe.