
Sumy State University – Medical Institute

The history of Sumy State University is begining from 1948, when in the city was founded Amounts training and counseling center of Moscow Institute of the metal industry.

In 1993, Sumy Physics and Technology Institute was transformed into Sumy State University – University of the classical type of branched structure (basic school, institutes , colleges , technical schools ).

In SSU trained more than 16 thousand students in different forms of learning.

Educational levels “junior specialist”, “bachelor”, “specialist”

60 specialties

6 faculties

1,200 foreign students from nearly 60 countries.



85 doctors of Sciences, professors, 480 candidates of sciences, associated professors , operating doctorate, graduate school in 40 specialties , special councils act to protect theses on 9-specialties.



Faculty of Foreign Languages and Social Communication

Faculty of technical systems and energy-efficient technologies

Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology

Faculty of Economics and Management


Faculty of Law

Faculty for Postgraduate Medical Education of Medical Institute of Sumy State University

Faculty of  upgrade qualification and pedagogical innovation

Medical Institute accredited to the highest level in Ukraine IV. Trains specialists in the such specialties as “medicine”, “Medical-preventive work” and “Dentistry”.



As we can see from a national ranking , conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Sumy State University is in the top three leaders among the ” highly specialized universities,” first place among classical universities in terms of scientific and economic research.

The leaders of universities in Ukraine according to the global Internet rating WEBOMETRICS and scientometric database SCOPUS ( number of citations of the world scientific community, scientific works of scientists of the University ).

Our university is the leader ofUkrainian competition of student research papers and competition for academic disciplines , areas of training specialties.

Students of this university win a lot of competitions , Olympiads.


Technical and Material Base

21 scientific and laboratory building with total area of 180,000 m2 (using Internet technology Wi-Fi), 151 equipped computer labs with access to the Internet, virtual machines and licensed software packages ( 2210 educational computers) , 48 multimedia lecture rooms , laboratories with a 3500 units of technical training .

11 hostels .

1 dining area in a separate building , moreover, in most buildings operate cafeterias and canteens .

1 separate campus of the library and information center with reading rooms (including electronic access to the database of electronic documents toll – Law League , Russia dissertation , Leonorm -Inform , EBSCOhost, CUL Online, HINARI, Grebennikon, Eastview , etc.) museum, printing and publishing .

4 separate sports complexes ( including a swimming pool , rowing base , ski-storage ) . Operate individual sports and gyms , stadiums and courts .

Last year the university opened its own country sports camp .


Postgraduate Education

Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education ( FPME ) consisting of the Medical Institute of Sumy State University established in 1 November 2006.


The main tasks of the faculty in the educational activity are:

* Primary specialty of university medical schools III and IV levels of accreditation in intership.

* Getting educational qualification – Masters of medicine during the passage of a specific profession or after specialization.

* Conducting courses of thematic improvement;

* Conduct pre-certification in specialties therapy and pediatrics ;

* Training of doctors in clinical residency ;

* Assist to healthcare institutions in activities of continuing postgraduate education.


Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education is composed of units:

Internship and magistrates

Training of specialists


The structure of FPME includes : Department of Family Medicine with courses of propaedeutics internal medicine and endocrinology and Department of Pediatrics postgraduate education with a course of childhood infections , Internal Medicine. We take measures in organizing of third department of postgraduate education. In the teaching process at the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies involving another 12 departments of Medical Institute.


International Relations

International relations of our institution evolved throughout the history of its existence and become more systematic since 1991, when was created the Faculty for foreign citizens on the basis of the preparatory department for foreign citizens. The first foreign students who come to study in our school , were citizens of Palestine , Syria and Jordan. Since April 2009, Faculty for foreign citizens was reorganized into the Department of International Education ( DMO ).

Today SSU has about 1200 foreign students, including 260 students from neighboring countries , with full-time of education process. Now foreign nationals from more than 50 countries of the world come for studying in our university. Among them Europe (Spain, Norway, Poland , Turkey), South America (Ecuador), Asia (Afghanistan , Bahrain, Yemen , India , Iraq, Iran , Jordan , China , Kuwait , Lebanon, Mongolia , Pakistan , Palestine , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Sri Lanka) , Africa (Burkina Faso , Ghana, DR Congo , Egypt , Zambia, Cameroon , Kenya, Ivory Coast , Liberia , Libya, Mauritius , Morocco, Nigeria , Republic of Congo , Somalia , Sudan , Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda) , CIS (Azerbaijan, Belarus , Georgia, Latvia , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Moldova , Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan).


For learning Russian (Ukrainian ) language foreign students can study at the preparatory department of the Department of International Education. The preparatory department of the Department of International Education is focused on language training of foreign citizens and preparation for general subjects in order to ensure of successful learning in the major departments of Sumy State University and other educational institutions of Ukraine.


Preparatory Department

Teaching at the university is going inUkrainian , Russian and English. Learning in English was introduced in 2004 for students of medical school in 2006 – for students of economics and management, and in 2010 – for students of electronics and information technology.

Since 2006 SSU was entirely on the organization of the educational process for ECTS ESTC (European Credit Transfer System), which is one of the main stages of integration into the Europe, allowing graduates of higher education institutions to be competitive in the labor market of Europe and decide the issue of recognition of documents on education .

Medical Institute of Sumy State University is in the list of higher education institutions in «International Medical Educational Dictionary», and our diplomas are accredited by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates ( the United States) .

Since 2009 Medical Institute of Sumy State University is included in the list of institutions of higher education database of the World Health Organization.

Foreign students are actively involved in the Olympiads , engaged in scientific work, make presentations at scientific conferences in other Universities of Ukraine , publish articles in scientific journals. Also foreigners can continue their studies at the doctorate.

Considerable attention is given to educational work , taking into consideration national circumstances , mentality , religious beliefs , culture , etiquette and consumer habits of international students and respect them.

The university has student`s national associations ( Nigerian , Tanzanian , Cameroon , Arabic , etc. . ) Who are cooperating with the administration of the university and help students who come to study, to adapt quickly for living in Ukraine .

For a comfortable living SSU has 5 dormitories for students . Sumy State University provides hostel to every student from their first year of studying .


Medical Faculty

Today Medical Institute has 15 departments and 8 Humanitarian and comprehensive profiles , employing over 100 teachers, including 15 professors, more than 60 PhDs and professors , some of whom are professors and associate professors, winner of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine , the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine .

Medical school has all the conditions for learning the latest knowledge of medical science, methods of diagnosis and treatment. The students study the Museum of Normal and Pathological Anatomy , large lecture halls. Here are study rooms, computer labs , a library , a cafeteria, gymnasium, stadium , swimming pool, ski base , 2 campuses . For those wishing to do research in a laboratories we have an electronical microscopy, atomic absorption mass spectrometry , immunological laboratory.

The Institute is accredited at level IV and received a certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for training in the specialty ” General Medicine “. For 6 years, the student receives a medical degree and a diploma of the state sample as «medical specialist». Later at the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education conducted training in the following areas: family medicine , internal medicine, pediatrics , surgery, obstetrics and gynecology , infectious diseases, radiology . In addition, graduates can continue their education in clinical studies , master’s and postgraduate courses.

Since 2005, the organization of the educational process is based on a new credit system . Its goal – to bring the training of doctors in the European context of the Bologna process and to be ensure about the mobility of students in the learning process .

Over the last 8 years medical school SSU is in the top of three medical schools in Ukraine. Since 2000 it ranked only the first places of the number of prizes for student competitions, among the medical scientific institutions of the state. In 2002, the medical school was recognized as among the best medical schools in Ukraine. These results contribute to the strengthening and growth of the prestige of the institution, the formation of the victorious traditions. Today the Medical Institute of Sumy State University is well known in all parts of our country and abroad. In 2 faculties of SSU Medical Institute trained 700 national , 300 international students from 60 countries , 132 medical interns and 49 undergraduates.

We welcome you to study in Sumi State University.

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