Ivano Frankivsk Medical University Established: 1945 Abbreviated Name: IFNMU Address: Galyskastr 2, 76018 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Subordination: Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine Accreditation level: IVth level. (Highest in Ukraine) Conferred by State Accreditation Committee of Ukraine,…
Lviv National Medical University
Lviv National Medical University named after Daniel Galician founded in 1784. It is one of the largest and oldest medical universities in Ukraine. History of University January 20, 1661 King Jan Kazimierz transformed the Jesuit college in Lviv Academy by assigning to it the title…
Ternopil State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky
Ternopil State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University Type of educational institution: University Ownership: State Level of accreditation: IV Form of study: Full-time Qualification level: Junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master Number of students: over 3,200 students , including 1215 foreign nationals from 62 countries. Studying for international students…
Poltava National Technical University courses offered and tuition fees
Poltava National Technical University was Founded in: 1930 Address: Pershotravnevyi Ave, 24, Poltava, Poltavs’ka oblast, 36000 Ukraine Tuition fees for Preparatory course: $1500 / year ( duration of course: upto 1 year ) Tuition fees: $2400 / year…
Measuring ion fluxes across single channels
6. Pharmacology of cell excitation 6.4 Measuring ion fluxes across single channels Planar lipid bilayers The patch clamp technique One of the allures that ion channels hold for many researchers is the ease and detail with which the behavior of individual channel molecules can be studied. Here, we…
Blood Vessels, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure with figure
Chapter 14 – Blood Vessels, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure Physical Laws Governing Blood Flow and Blood Pressure The flow of blood within vessels is directly proportional to the pressure gradient and is inversely proportional to the resistance within the vessel:…
Study MBBS in Ukraine
TheUkrainian government makes sure that aUkrainian Medical University will be able to offer as much free education as it can and has proved to be highly successful because of the high literacy rate in the country. The libraries tend to give out free books to students pursuing higher education in…
Study in Ukraine Universities guide
Universities in Ukraine There are six types of higher education institution in Ukraine, each awarded a certain level of accreditation. Degree programs at bachelor’s level and above are offered by institutions with the highest level of accreditation, known as universities, academies and conservatories. Conservatories deal mainly in culture, the arts…