
Ternopil National Economic University

City:Ternopil National Economic University Ternopil

Established: 1966

Status: State

Accreditation: IV

Qualification: Bachelor, Specialist, Master

30000+ students


Teaching staff includes 1134 employees, 46 are Doctors of Sciences, 484 are Candidates of Sciences, Docents, 4 Honoured Workers of Public Education of Ukraine, 4 Honoured Scientists of Ukraine, 1 Honoured Jurist of Ukraine, 5 Merited Educators; 38 lecturers are the full members of the Academy of Sciences, 17 are the corresponding members of the branch-wise academies of sciences, 3 Honoured Inventors of Ukraine, 2 Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, 1 Honoured Master of Sports of Ukraine, 2 Honoured Coaches of Ukraine, 1 Honoured Workers of Culture of Ukraine, 12 Masters of Sports of Ukraine.


TNEU – the onlyUkrainian higher educational institution VI level of accreditation, which has the branch abroad – in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia where study over 500Ukrainian students.


Today the Ternopil National Economic University is a diversified educational scientific complex which includes 14 faculties (finance, banking business, agrarian economy and management, the international business and management, economy and management, the account and audit, computer information technologies, theUkrainian and Netherlands faculty of economy and management, theUkrainian-German economics department, faculty of law, faculty of pre-university preparation, postdegree and master preparation, the New Volynsk faculty, Samborsky faculty of the applied software, Kalushsky faculty and 3 institutes which train specialists in 9 directions, 22 specialties, 46 specializations, 68 chairs, Educational and Consulting  centers.


Annually the faculty publishes more than 2000 scientific works, including more than 50 monographs and textbooks.


At faculties of the Ternopil National Economic University study foreign students from the different countries of the world.


An important aspect of world recognition of educational institution is a membership of scientists of university in the European association of the international education (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). The partners of TNEU in the European association of the international education are the Great Britain, Poland, Bulgaria, France, the USA, Canada, China, Greece. The university takes part in the General European projects together with universities of Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Lyon (France), La Zapienza, Mak Gill (Canada) and other higher educational institutions.


Material base: 11 educational and laboratory buildings, 3 sports, 3 economic and auxiliary buildings and 5 hostels. An important structural divisions of TNEU are the Recreation center, the Museum of history of University and edge economy, the Research center of history of money, the center of physical culture, “Economic Thought” publishing house, library of electronic resources. Students have access to electronic libraries of the Great Britain, Orkhusk business school (Denmark). Here are the sanatorium for 50 persons, therapeutic, dental, physiotherapeutic offices, and also offices of massage, physiotherapy exercises, procedural, reflexotherapies, heattreatments, hydropathic department, aerofitory, dining rooms, cafe, etc.

Ternopil National University


Ukrainian-Dutch faculty

Ukrainian-German faculty

Department of Agricultural Economics and Management

Department of Banking Business

Department of Public Administration

Faculty of Economics and Management

Faculty of Computer Information Technologies

Faculty of International Business and Management

Department of Accounting and Auditing

Department of Finance

Faculty of Law

Novovolynsky faculty

College of Economics, Law and Information Technology

Samborskiy Faculty of Applied Software



Vinnytsia institute of economy;

Ivano-Frankovsk institute of management;

Chertkovsky institute of business.


Educational-consulting centers:

Kamenets-Podolsky educational-consulting center;

Crimean educational-consulting center;

Lutsk educational-consulting center;

Svalyavsky educational-consulting center.



College of Chertkovsky institute of business.

Kalushsky college of economy, law and information technologies.


Preparatory Department for Foreign citizens implements the concept of integration of Ukraine in the field of higher education and science activity is carried out within the framework of intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements with many countries. Foreign students studyUkrainian language, mathematics, economic and social geography of the Ukraine.


Training of students is carried out on the basis of the programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, youth and sports of Ukraine and lasts one academic year. At the end of the academic year listeners of preparatory office for foreign citizens pass final examinations. Students who successfully passed examinations, given the certificate of the state sample according to which they can be enlisted in higher educational institutions of Ukraine by results of entrance tests.


Honors and reputation

TNEU won the first place among all economic higher educational institutions ???-?V level of accreditation on an index of the international activity which pays off the Ministry of Education and Science, youth and sports of Ukraine within an assessment of a global rating of Higher Education Institutions.


In 2011 TNEU called “The leader of national education” for long-term scientifically – pedagogical activity and awarded by a gold medal in the nomination “The International Cooperation in Science and Education”. In 2011 the Ternopil National Economic University received the International certificate of quality of the Swiss institute of the quality standards of “SIQS” (Zurich). In 2012 the TNEU was awarded by a cup and the diploma for the Grand Prix in the nomination “The International Cooperation in Science and Education”.


The TNEU has Branches in Vinnytsya, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Kalush (Ivano-Frankivsk region), Sambir (Lviv region), Svalyava (Transcarpathian region), Kamyanets-Podilskyy (Khmelnytsk region), Novovolynsk (Volyn region), Chortkiv (Ternopil region), Foros (Crimea).


Terms of study

Bachelor level 4 years

Master level 1 year on the basis of education-qualification level Bachelor

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