
Ternopil State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky

Ternopil State Medical University Ternopil State Medical University

Type of educational institution: University

Ownership: State

Level of accreditation: IV

Form of study: Full-time

Qualification level: Junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master

Number of students: over 3,200 students , including 1215 foreign nationals from 62 countries. Studying for international students is going in English language. Here was made an agreements for cooperation with the Universities in 24 countries around the world. Training is conducted inUkrainian, Russian and English. TSMU is the only university in Ukraine where all faculties are taught in English. Experience of teaching in English – 15 years.

The institutes and departments are located in 12 educational buildings and 17 clinics and hospitals in Ternopil.

Ternopil State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky started work in September 1, 1957. At present the institution has 549 teachers, of who 3 are the members of NAMS of Ukraine, 86 are doctors and 336 are candidates of sciences.

Our students are not onlyUkrainian, but also representatives from 62 countries. The university is offered a post-graduate education, including master’s, graduate, internship , residency, Advanced Medical .

The creative activity of students, expansion of technical and scientific resources of the University is actively carrying out. For example, for the last 10 years university received 602 patents. Also the university made an active collaboration with hospitals and clinics in Ternopil. In addition, the University formed and rapidly developing scientific schools ( surgeons, internists , pediatricians , etc.).

Ternopil State Medical University with a medical faculty was organized by the Council of Ministers of the USSR in April 12, 1957. In 1992, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine renamed the university of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after Gorbachevsky. January 30, 1997 according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ? 92 Institute received the status of medical college. In 2004 academy reorganized in Ternopil State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky .

Ternopil State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky headed by Leonid Kovalchuk , MD , professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

Among the 549 researchers and teachers of Ternopil State Medical University, two-thirds are its graduates.

There are 41 departments with 86 doctors, professors and 297 associate professors, including 3 members of a correspondent of NAMS of Ukraine, 9 Honored Science and Technology , 2 Honored Workers of Education , 1 winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology , 3 Honored inventors, 3 Honored Doctors of Ukraine .

On the basis of the experience of American and European top medical schools the Ternopil State Medical University has introduced a new form of organization of the educational process on credit- module system using techniques of “single day”, lines of practical skills , practically oriented Z- learning system , semester tests control of students’ knowledge by an independent testing center , the network teaching system based on Internet technology, which is similar to a modern European system ( medical University of Vienna ) and is radically different from that adopted in otherUkrainian universities.

The introduction of independent testing University Center excluded the possibility of corruption in the Ternopil State Medical University.


Material and technical base of Ternopil State Medical University:

Over the last 13 years was strengthened the material – technical base of Ternopil State Medical University. All the departments, library with reading rooms and 4 branches in all clinical departments and teaching and research institutions are computerizing , organized a computer center , 32 computer labs with access to the network ” Internet ” . Created publishing house ” Ukrmedkniga ” with its own set of printing , which provided textbooks and manuals forUkrainian higher medical schools of Ukraine III-IV accreditation levels on 60%, and the I-II levels of accreditation on 80%.



Medical (term of studying 6 years)

Dental (term of studying 5 years)

Pharmaceutical (term of studying 5 years)

Faculty for international students

Post-graduate education , bringing together 41 faculty.

On the basis of the theoretical departments in Ternopil State Medical University operate 5 teaching and research institutions.

Institute of Morphology, Institute of Biomedical Problems , Institute of Pharmacology , Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry Institute named after Skakun, Institute of simulation and analysis of pathological processes , Institute of Nursing.


Types of educational levels:

– Bachelor;

– Specialist;

– Master.



In September 2006, Ternopil State Medical University named after  Gorbachevsky was awarded the diploma of the International Academy of Rating Technologies and Sociology “Golden Fortune  “.

Nomination Committee of the European Business Assembly (Oxford , UK) and the Scientific Council of the International University of Vienna (Austria ) honored Ternopil State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky with international award “European Quality “, which was presented in September 22, 2008 in Barcelona ( Spain) in the framework of an international meeting of leaders of science and culture «Euro Education – 2008”.

TSMU collaborates with a number of foreign institutions. According to the signed agreements we have exchange academic and research programs for the students and university staff with different universities in the next countries: USA, Austria, Polland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Slovak Republic and Russia.

Ternopil State Medical University`s Nursing School also offers an additional NCLEX course to prepare our graduates for their NCLEX exam.

Ternopil State Medical University is a leading provider of high quality educational medical programs for international students.

University ranks third in Ukraine among the medical universities and has been awarded the IV accreditation level by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Ternopil State Medical University is listed in the FAIMER directory under ECFMG and the World Health Organization directory of Medical Schools. TSMU`s degree is recognized by World Health Organization, US Education Department, General Medical Council of England, EU Countries.

The system of education is according to ECTS.


Faculty for foreign students:

About 50% of the teaching staff have university certificates for proficiency in English and more than 80 % of foreign students studying medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing in English.

The faculty for foreign students has 5 departments , Institute of Nursing and preparatory courses, four new departments (second department of surgery , second department of therapy , second department of obstetrics and gynecology, second department of pediatrics ) were created to improve the organizational and educational work among international students and began to teach only foreign students from September 1, 2009 . Departments are headed by doctors , and teachers of all departments in English who have certificates of English language proficiency level 1. The faculty has all the materials to prepare students for practice trainings , presentations, lectures, curriculum , guidance materials, prepared 250 questions for each class daily test control by Moodle system.

There are a computer classes, accessed to the internet, equipped with models and necessary equipment.

Foreign students can study not only on the Faculty for foreign students , but also in all other departments of the University , which belong to the medical , dental or pharmaceutical faculties. All of these departments have English-speaking teachers. All methodological support is in English (as a material for preparation for practice lessons, presentations, lectures, teaching materials for students, methodological materials for teachers). You can also find all necessary materials in electronic form .

The Nursing Institute has the International Nursing school . Here trained nurses from the United States , Nigeria, Zambia, Ghana and other countries.

Training programs are identical with those studying in nursing school , University of South Carolina.

In 2009 started operate a distance learning – in ” Nursing” with educational qualification of Bachelor . Already more than 200 foreign students from different countries enrolled in distance learning format.
Preparatory Department of the University:

Every year more then 100 students studying in the preparatory department, most of whom are learningUkrainian language. Teachers of Preparatory Department are highly qualified professionals, most of whom passed Ph.D defences .

Teachers from Preparatory Department published a textbook “Ukrainian language for preparatory courses ” and planned to release another in Russian language.

Foreign students have the opportunity to have good entertainment. They are can engage in sports activities, organize football tournaments , cricket tournaments, play badminton, winners are awarded cups, organizes evenings of artistic performances.

We welcome you to study in Ternopil State Medical University .

General Medicine (MD – Medical Doctor Degree, equivalent to MBBS)

Admission deadline: November 15
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30
Period of training: 6 years
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in Russian orUkrainian – 3600$ (fee is stable for all 6 years)
· instruction in English – 3950$

1.Tuition(Instruction In English 3950$/yr
2.Hostel $500/yr
3. Admission, Invitation  &visa support with courier  Fee (Paid before arrival) $240
4. Additional expenses1000 USD paid only once and includes following;Airport Clearance Letter. Airport Pick up. Transfer to University with our staff. Medical checkups. Document processing –Registration process at all offices with our staff. Translations of the documents –Resident Permit with Visa Extension. Health Insurance. Immigration Insurance. opening of bank account. – Consultancy charges & Service charges.  Following up and legal assistance during whole stay in Ukraine. $1000
TOTAL(All paid on arrival in Ukraine,apart from Invitation Fee) $5440

Admission is Open every year from April-November –APPLY NOW


Invitation letters are issued strictly upon upfront payment of the invitation fee of only $250.After making the payment of the invitation letter,send us on our email the receipt of payment,address and full names of the person going to receive the invitation letter, and phone number

Dentistry (equivalent to DMD – Doctor of Dental Medicine)

Admission deadline: November 15
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30
Period of training: 5 years
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in Russian orUkrainian – 4000$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)
· instruction in English – 4400$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)

1.Tuition(Instruction In English 4400$/yr
2.Hostel $500/yr
3. Admission, Invitation  &visa support with courier  Fee (Paid before arrival) $240
4. Additional expenses1000 USD paid only once and includes following;Airport Clearance Letter. Airport Pick up. Transfer to University with our staff. Medical checkups. Document processing –Registration process at all offices with our staff. Translations of the documents –Resident Permit with Visa Extension. Health Insurance. Immigration Insurance. opening of bank account. – Consultancy charges & Service charges.  Following up and legal assistance during whole stay in Ukraine. $1000
TOTAL(All paid on arrival in Ukraine,apart from Invitation Fee) $6140

Tuition fee from 2nd year to final year is  4400$US per year
Admission is Open every year from April-November-APPLY NOW


Invitation letters are issued strictly upon upfront payment of the invitation fee of only $240.After making the payment of the invitation letter,send us on mail  the receipt of payment,address and full names of the person going to receive the invitation letter, and phone number

Pharmacy (equivalent to Master Degree in Pharmacy)

Admission deadline: November 15
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30
Period of training: 5 years.
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in Russian andUkrainian – 3700$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)
· instruction in English – 3800$ (fee is stable for all 5 years)

1.Tuition(Instruction In English 3800$/yr
2.Hostel $500/yr
3. Admission, Invitation  &visa support with courier  Fee (Paid before arrival) $240
4. Additional expenses1000 USD paid only once and includes following;Airport Clearance Letter. Airport Pick up. Transfer to University with our staff. Medical checkups. Document processing –Registration process at all offices with our staff. Translations of the documents –Resident Permit with Visa Extension. Health Insurance. Immigration Insurance. opening of bank account. – Consultancy charges & Service charges.  Following up and legal assistance during whole stay in Ukraine. $1000
TOTAL(All paid on arrival in Ukraine,apart from Invitation Fee) $5500

Tuition fee from 2nd year to final year is  3800$US per year
Admission is Open every year from April-November-APPLY NOW


Invitation letters are issued strictly upon upfront payment of the invitation fee of only $240.After making the payment of the invitation letter,send us on our email the receipt of payment,address and full names of the person going to receive the invitation letter, and phone number

Nursing (ADN – Associate Degree in Nursing; BSN – Bachelor Science in Nursing; MSN – Master Science in Nursing)(International Nursing School or American Nursing School)

Admission deadline: November 15
Academic year (2 semesters): September 1-June 30
Period of training:
ADN – Associate Degree in Nursing Program: 2 years
BSN – Bachelor Degree Program: 4 years
BSN – Bachelor Degree Program (for students already having ADN 2 years degree): 2 years
MSN – Master Degree Program (for students already having BSN 4 years degree): 2 years
Annual tuition fee:
· instruction in English (fee is stable for all period of studying)
ADN – (2 years) 3750$
BSN – (4 years) 3750$
BSN – (2 years) 3750$
MSN – (2 years) 3700$

medical hostels are 40 dollars | month(Approx.500usd|year


Medical :Approx.100usd|year


Preparatory course is an educational program with a duration of 6-10 months. It helps students learn Russian orUkrainian so they can have their studies in Russian/Ukrainian. Studying in Russian/Ukrainian is cheaper than studying in English in Ukraine.
At the preparatory course students study Russian/Ukrainian language and the special disciplines required depend on the future specialty chosen (i.e. Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Geography, History, and Literature).
The Faculty consists of two departments:
Department of language training teaches students inUkrainian or Russian.
Department of sciences facilitates pre-university training in such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.
On successful passing the examination of Preparatory course, the student receives the Certificate of the Preparatory Faculty for further studies at the Medical, Engineering, Aviation/ Flight School, Economic, Maritime & Environmental universities in Russian/Ukrainian.
Studying inUkrainian/Russian Medium is much cheaper than studying in English.

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