
Zaporozhye State Medical UniversityZaporozhye State Medical University

Modern, multidisciplinary university with the right to autonomous control.

Founded in 1903.

The university has 615 teachers, including 104 doctors and professors and 417 associate professors and candidates of science. Among university scholars of NAS of Ukraine, 46 members of international academies of sciences and international scientific societies, eight Honored Scientist of Ukraine, four winners of the State Prize of Ukraine, the six winners of prizes Sciences of Ukraine, winner of the President of Ukraine, two Laureates of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, four Honoured Doctor of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of the two scholarship for young scientists.

Accreditation level 4.

Qualification levels: Bachelor, Specialist, Master.

The university has 615 teachers, including 104 doctors and professors and 417 associate professors and candidates of science.


First Faculty of Medicine

Second Faculty of Medicine

Pharmaceutical Faculty

International Faculty

Medical College

Medical Research and Training Center “University Hospital”

We also have 57 Departments

Research Department of Zaporozhye State Medical University:

Institute of Medical and environmental problems

Institute of Clinical Pathology

NGO “Farmatron”

Training Medical Laboratory Center,

Certification-test laboratory perfumes and cosmetics and household chemicals,

Postgraduate and doctoral studies

Editorial and publishing complex,

Service innovation and technology transfer

Metrological service

Duration of training

Education at the University includes pre-university education , university and postgraduate stages of learning . Pre-university stage – the preparatory faculty for foreign students – one of the oldest preparatory department of the CIS countries . It is a center for training foreign students for further study at universities in Ukraine.

Foreign students and their specialization is in two faculties : medical and pharmaceutical .

The medical school training is conducted in the following fields :

– Medical care . Qualification: Doctor . Education – 6 years.

– Dentistry . Qualification: Doctor . Education – 5 years.

– Pediatrics . Qualification: Doctor . Education – 6 years.

– Laboratory diagnosis . Qualification: Bachelor of Laboratory . Education for 4 years.

The pharmaceutical faculty training is provided in the following specialties:

– Pharmacy . Qualification: Pharmacist . Education – 5 years.

– Technology of perfumery and cosmetics. Qualification: Pharmacist cosmetologist . Education – 5 years

The medical school training is conducted in the following fields :

– Medical care . Qualification: Doctor . Education – 6 years.

– Dentistry . Qualification: Doctor . Education – 5 years.

– Pediatrics . Qualification: Doctor . Education – 6 years.

– Laboratory diagnosis . Qualification: Bachelor of Laboratory . Education for 4 years.

The pharmaceutical faculty training is provided in the following specialties:

– Pharmacy . Qualification: Pharmacist . Education – 5 years.

– Technology of perfumery and cosmetics. Qualification: Pharmacist cosmetologist . Education – 5 years.

The University has developed material and technical base, science labs and computer classrooms, distance learning and telemedicine, using the latest scientific and educational technology. The University has 42 computer classes computers in 1300, so our students are taught using multimedia technology. Conducted computerization in the library, all the campus is WI-Fi zone.

Practice is held in 30 regional and urban teaching hospitals, 12 dental centers, 107 basic pharmacies. There are 160 beds in the University`s Hospital, clinic, consulting professor`s University Center, a modern laboratory of pathologic diagnosis, metabolic disorders center, the center of gerontology, center of  respiratory pathology and allergy.

Data Supply

Material and technical base 26 computer labs, 727 computers, the university has a unique equipment for basic and applied research :endoscopy, radioisotope diagnosis, CT scanners, Ultrasound Devices


ZSMU has a campus on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper. This is – separate territory , guarded 24 hours a day. There are four academic buildings ,five dormitories, canteens and several cafes in the student`s town . The territory of ZSMU well equipped and cozy , is surrounded by greenery and flowers.

Classes for younger students are held to the theoretical departments in academic buildings on the campus . Senior students enrolled in the departments of therapeutic profile in clinics, located near the university.

Student halls of the University are designed for 2,900 residents , and 2 dorms allocated for residence of foreign nationals . Dorm rooms are made up of people at 1-2-3 with all amenities. In the hostels organized online classes .

The faculties of the University today enrolls more than 4,000 students , masters, interns and graduate students, including over 700 foreigners from 43 countries . 30 years of quality education of international students from the Middle East, Asia , Africa and Latin America, Europe has allowed the university to win great international prestige and recognition. Many foreign graduates successfully work and occupy high positions in the health care system in their countries.

The teaching process is organized by a multilevel system : Bachelor – Specialist – Master . Training is conducted in Russian and in English – for English speaking international students. The training program at the university is not only professionally oriented, but also offers a broad intellectual and cultural development of students, and serves as the foundation for subsequent specialization.

Postgraduate education

Departments of ZSMU trained medical interns of specialties: Pathology and Forensic Medicine of the basics right , tuberculosis and pulmonology , general surgery and patient care , anesthesiology and critical care medicine , oncology , hospital surgery , urology , radiation diagnosis and therapy, traumatology and orthopedics ; Obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine, neurology, psychiatry , drug abuse and health psychology, Dermatology and Venereology, infectious diseases, otolaryngology and dentistry , ophthalmology , family medicine and therapy .

Departments ZSMU, which trained clinical interns : Pathology and Forensic Medicine of the basics right , tuberculosis and pulmonology , general surgery and patient care , anesthesiology and critical care medicine , oncology , hospital surgery , urology , radiation diagnosis and therapy, traumatology and orthopedics , obstetrics gynecology and reproductive medicine, neurology, psychiatry , drug abuse and health psychology Dermatology and Venereology, infectious diseases, otolaryngology and dentistry , ophthalmology , family medicine and therapy FPE , child`s diseases , internal diseases, propaedeutic, domestic diseases; faculty of Pediatrics, Propadeutic pediatrics , pediatric surgery, Pediatric anesthesiology .

Departments ZSMU in which pharmacists are trained interns into full-time period: Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry and drug technolog, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, technology medicine, botany and pharmacognosy , pharmaceutical chemistry, management and economics of pharmacy, medical and pharmaceutical commodity research, medicine disasters, military medicine and neurosurgery, medical, pharmaceutical science and new technologies FPE .

Departments of ZSMU in which undergraduates studying medicine in the full-time period : Pathology and Forensic Medicine of the basics right, tuberculosis and pulmonology, general surgery and patient care, anesthesiology and critical care medicine , oncology , hospital surgery , urology, diagnostics and radiation therapy, trauma and orthopedics, obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine, neurology, psychiatry, drug abuse and health psychology Dermatology and Venereology, infectious diseases, dentistry and otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, family medicine, FPE children`s diseases , internal diseases propaedeutics the care of patients, internal diseases; faculty of Pediatrics.

Departments of ZSMU in which pharmacists and undergraduates studyed in full-time period: Pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry and drug technology, Clinical Pharmacy , Pharmacotherap, drug technology , pharmaceutical chemistry, management and economics of pharmacy, medical and pharmaceutical commodity research, clinical pharmacology, pharmacy and pharmacotherapy, Toxicology and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, Pharmacognosy with course of botany.

The Teaching staff of the Faculty

In the post-graduate education involved 26 departments of medical, pharmaceutical faculties and Faculty of Continuing Education of ZSMU that trains specialists in the intership for 22 medical specialties , pediatric profile and specialty «General Pharmacy» and medical residents , graduate? ,trainees – Pharmacists, doctors.

There are 38 teachers, including 6 professors , 11 associate professors, 6 doctors, 19 candidates , 19 assistants at the departments of postgraduate education .

Powerful human resources, advanced information and logistical support of educational process , research and clinical activities provide a high level of training of interns , masters, medical residents and implementing innovative educational and therapeutic technology.

Faculty for foreign students

Faculty was founded in 1973.
International students studying at the Faculty of Russian andUkrainian languages , biology , mathematics, physics , chemistry , fundamentals of computer science , geography .

Teachers: assistant professors, PhD. Studying process is in English. A lot of teachers were trained in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Teachers of the Faculty have published textbooks and manuals and other educational materials .

The academic year consists of two semesters. At the end of each semester (January and June ), students pass tests and examinations in subjects that they studied .

Students involved in groups of 8 people. Classes are held in classrooms equipped with modern computers. The students can use academic library , reading rooms , Internet in any time they need.

At this time, the faculty are trained about 1,500 foreign students from 42 countries (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria, UK, Armenia, Vietnam, Ghana, Guinea, Georgia, Greece, Ecuador, Egypt, Zambia, India, Israel, Iraq, Cameroon, Kenya, China, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, Russia, Syria, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka).

More than 900 foreign students studying in English.

We welcome you to study in Zaporozhye State Medical University.

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